Concerned Citizens Resource List
1. Talk Radio — The easiest and best way to get on top of political happenings.
All of these stations are excellent virtually around the clock. That said, my favorite is Rush Limbaugh on KFI from 9:00am to Noon. No one does a better job of either analysing and evaluating the news and connecting the dots in a delightfully simple and comprehensible fashion, on the one hand, and/or layout out the conservative agenda on the other. Rush is truly the 800lb gorilla of talk radio; he drives the libs crazy, and, since they can’t complete, they do what libs always do - try to shut him up. Rush is, quite simply, a must!!
Also, check out Frank Pastore on 99.5 FM from 4-7. KKLA is the religious station, the intersection of
faith and reason, and Frank does an excellent job of addressing secular issues, while reminding us that
our rights derive from sources higher than government.
The above are not intended to be exclusive: there are other fine conservative options — these you have to
find on your own.
2. Websites
- (my personal favorite and my homepage. This is David Horowitz’s
creation; with the exception of Rush Limbaugh, no one is doing more to keep America America than
David Horowitz — in addition to his website, his books, columns, presentations, and
conferences are a must for any patriot and/or student of politics) - National Review
- OptionJournal (WSJ)
- American Spectator
- World Net Daily
3. Journals
- National Review
- Weekly Standard
- American Spectator
- American Spectator
- Commentary
- City Journal
4. Newspapers
- Washington Times
- Human Events
- Editorial Pages of Wall St. Jl.
5. Columnists
- Start with those enumerated at and search engines listed below
6. Think Tanks
7. Search Engines
8. Blogs
- Real Clear Politics
- Politico
- Little Green Footballs
- Free Republic
- Powerline
- Pajama Media
- American Thinker
- Instapundit
- QubeTV
9. Additional Resources — For accessing additional resources, go to (links)
and Republican Jewish Coalition.