Ken Eliasberg
An election is on us – one that may prove to be one of the two most meaningful in your lifetime (the other being 2008). And there is more than a little disappointment abroad. And when I say that I feel your pain, I am not trying to pull a page out of Bill Clinton’s playbook. The situation is different for, as Al Damato pointed out, Clinton felt our pain because he caused it; indeed, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that he was it. I feel your pain because I share it; our Party has seriously disappointed me in several areas. And while I have no intention of disregarding or overlooking these areas, I remind myself of 2 things (1) my Party has done a great deal that pleases me, and (2) no matter how bad my Party has conducted itself, the alternative is not merely unthinkable, it is potentially disastrous. And I am not trying to frighten you in order to induce you to come your Party’s aid – you need merely look at the world we live in and ask yourself do you think Hillary Clinton would further the cause of this country. And make no mistake about it, her name may not be on any 2006 ballot, but she is there gauging her 2008 prospects based on the 2006 returns. I urge you to send her a clear message to the effect that no matter how disappointed we might be with our own, she and her Party will never be an acceptable alternative.
In making this request of you, I am neither asking you to overlook your disappointment nor placating you with the annoying rejoinder that the alternative is worse. I am not talking politics here – I am talking patriotism. Your Party may have disappointed you but your country has not, and to fail it at this moment in time might prove to be something that you may have difficulty explaining to your grandchildren. And please forgive me if I sound alarmed – I am! I don’t believe that the world has been in a more dangerous place since 1938, when Europe sold the Czech Republic out to Hitler. I believe that our enemy today – Radical Islam – is far more dangerous than Hitler ever was, and we, in turn, are a House Divided. The Republican Party, no matter how inept it has been in certain areas, is the thin blue line between us and what could be a conflagration of unbelievable magnitude. If the Democrats are elected in 2006, their major preoccupation – indeed, their major occupation – will be the impeachment of George Bush. And, in all events, whether they impeach him or not, they will make Bush’s last 2 years (and ours) a living hell. He will not be a lame duck; they will do everything in their power to make him a dead duck.
So I appeal to you as an American, not as a Republican, to do everything in your power to elect Republicans in the coming 2 elections – I guaranty you that you will not regret it, and we shall all sleep better because of our collective efforts. At this critical time, with America at war (a very serious war) we cannot, indeed, we must not, turn the controls of this great country over to a completely irresponsible party like the Democrats. Please, come to the aid of your country and do everything in your power to keep the Republican Party in power.
Finally, I am not asking you to sweep your disappointment under the carpet. We must and we shall find a way to address that disappointment by applying great pressure on our representatives to do what we sent them back to Washington to do. We shall not tolerate representatives who talk conservative but act liberal. Whether it take the form of a massive letter writing campaign or the even more drastic remedy of offering up alternative candidates in the primaries, we shall hold our representatives feet to the fire.
That said, please bear in mind that staying home is, in effect, voting Democrat. Ask yourself, no matter how annoyed, frustrated, or even enraged you may be - and, again, I share these emotions with you, and I assure you that I intend to do something about it (but that something does not include any action that might further the cause of a Democrat) – are you prepared to respond to your pain by turning the country over to the Democrats, in general, and Hillary, in particular? I urge you – no, I beg you – to work with me on this. No matter how angry you might be, let me assure you that turning the Government over to the Democrats is not only not going to lessen your anger, but it may destroy the future of your grandchildren. The Republican Party needs your support today more than ever – no matter how much you believe that it does not deserve it. If you can’t get behind your Party, get behind your country – COME OUT TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER AND DRAG YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES WITH YOU, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN - YOU WON’T REGRET IT!