
Ken Eliasberg

Every day I wake up energized by the realization that I reside in the greatest civilization in the history of the world. I can accept—though less than tolerantly—the criticism from abroad. This is mere jealousy, either due to the decline and fall of their own historical position as a world power—e.g. France—or an effort to divert attention from their own shameless conduct—again France, as the result of its shameless involvement in the U.N.’s food-for-oil scandal. I am less understanding or tolerant of the home grown anti-American Left—those who suck vigorously at the bosom of this great enterprise while trying to bite off the nipple. Is this the result of guilt over their good fortune? Some form of masochism? Or just a general malaise that prevents them from admitting that they have it pretty good? Whatever its cause, I find it galling!.

America is not perfect, but name me one country—indeed, one civilization—that approaches us either in terms of opportunity, affluence, and/or decency. Besides, as I have pointed out before, the perfect is the enemy of the good. Since perfection, in my opinion, is not attainable, it leaves its adherents in a constant state of frustration and disquietude. Unfortunately, they cannot just sit still in this uncomfortable place; rather they feel the need to share their discomfort with us by constantly assailing the underpinnings of our great Republic.

In any event, as you know, from to time, I receive emails from friends that I deem worthy of sharing with you. Today’s column is devoted to just such an email. It’s subject—Who Is An American?

“Who is an American?

To Kill an American

You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.

So an Australian dentist wrote the following to let everyone know what an American is

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