Policy: Obama’s Foreign Policy Initiatives —Kiss Up, Suck Up, And Fold Up

Policy: Obama’s Foreign Policy Initiatives —Kiss Up, Suck Up, And Fold Up


Ken Eliasberg

Now let’s take a look at Obama’s policy positions starting with hisapproach to foreign policy.A word at the outset: I don’t remember a time in my life when foreign policy has been a matter of greater importance than itistoday. That said, I can’t think of a moment in our history when our foreign policy has been entrusted to a bigger bunch of incompetents, led by the 3 stooges, Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Obama. The latter 2 have no foreign policy experience whatsoever, unless you choose to count Mrs. Clinton’s first-lady trips as a study in foreign policy. Our Vice President, that bumbling buffoon, has lots of experience — all of it bad! I don’t think Joe Biden has ever gotten anything right since barely making it out of a second or third tier law school. Having gotten that out of the way, let’s take a look at some of Obama’s more recent efforts in this most critical area.

Kissing Up.- Here his effort was universal, i.e. to all of Europe and the Muslim portion of the Middle East. How so? When he wasn’t apologizing for America’s mistakes over the course of our history, he was strenuously apologizing for the Bush Administration — in what I feel is a galling display of anti-Americanism. Yes, we have made a number of mistakes; which member countries of his audience hasn’t? We have also bailed out Europe and Muslims on any number of occasions. Again, which member countries can lay claim to that accomplishment? Obama’s oratory in this area was, while your typical left-wing rant, a disgraceful betrayal of his country, on the one hand, and an incredible effort at empowering his country’s enemies on the other. Countries like Russia and China, in particular, and Europe and the Arab world in general, have to be licking their chops over the victory they just scored. I would bet that radical muslims will do nothing nasty to the U.S. during his administration. Why not? Because he’s going to give them everything they want. Moreover, while many in the world may have thought that the U.S. was a paper tiger before; they can now be assured that that is certainly the case now.We shall do nothing to either North Korea or Iran; the former can fire all the missiles it wants, and the latter can throttle ahead to nuclear power.

Sucking Up.- Here we are dealing with Obama’s effort to restore Russia to a world class power on the international stage, while at the same time continuing to display his naivete. He appeared to be at least suggesting, if not flat out agreeing, that America would not go ahead with the defensive shield (which would afford protection to Poland and Czechoslovakia) if Russia would apply pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear plans. An amusing gesture, on a scale with Chamberlain’s at Munich. Sitting down with Medvedyev, Putin’s sock puppet, and thereby giving this colleague to a KGB thug a gravitas he could not secure any place else, is beyond incomprehensible. Now his fans might argue that he was closing some kind of gap opened by Bush; a more realistic interpretation is that this was an exercise in futility, one that will come back to haunt us.

Obama compounded this felony by bowing to the Saudi King, apologizing to Turkish representatives and assuring the Arab world that we were not, nor would we ever be, at war with Islam. Who suggested that we were? On the contrary, we have expended blood and treasure in aiding millions of Muslims — in Kuwait, Bosnia, Kosovo, and, yes, in Iraq. So the suggestion that we were in any way guilty of either having engaged in, or are contemplating, a war with Islam was not just inappropriate, it was another cheap shot at Bush — an extremely unpresidential course of conduct. Moreover, Bush frequently went out of his way to placate and reassure Muslims that we were after terrorists, not Islam, and we were only going to be bellicose where those lines intersect. To illustrate just how far Obama is going — and, unfortunately, will undoubtedly continue to go - I strongly recommend a worthwhile column by David R. Stokes entitled Moderate Taliban?, at Towhnall.com April 5th in which the author makes this telling observation (not entirely in jest, I fear):

“Of course, the most significant shift in body language, not to mention policy, by the new administration is in the idea of reaching out to the moderate Taliban to make some kind of deal. Or as I am tempted to refer to it: Operation Jumbo Shrimp — An Exercise in Oxymoronic Geopolitics.

Moderate Taliban? Is it possible for a fanatic to be a-little-bit-pregnant with poisonous ideology?

History tells us that fanatical regimes have a field day with na

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