Of Course Rush Limbaugh Wants Obama To Fail! Why? Because He Wants America To Succeed!!

Of Course Rush Limbaugh Wants Obama To Fail! Why? Because He Wants America To Succeed!!


Ken Eliasberg

I think that all of you know how much respect I have for Rush Limbaugh — he is, quite simply, the indispensable Republican and the backbone of the conservative movement in this country (and thus the backbone of the country itself). A couple of recent happenings have pushed him further to the forefront, thus providing him with a platform that gives him greater visibility than he had before Obama’s flunkies decided to label him as the leader of the Republican Party.

The statement that is the cause of the current commotion is Rush’s comment on wanting Obama to fail. Only a complete moron (and, God knows there are plenty of those), (2) one unfamiliar with the political scene and/or Rush Limbaugh (although it is hard to imagine any one familiar with the political scene who is not familiar with Rush Limbaugh), or (3) someone whose only purpose is to try to create some political mischief by making much ado about nothing would misconstrue Rush’s intent in making this statement. But let me help you - what Rush meant (and what he said he meant) is that he feels (as I do) that Obama’s plans and programs are antithetical to the best interests of America.. Given that, why would anyone (1) want Obama to succeed, or, (2) having even the most fleeting familiarity with Rush, be confused about what he had in mind when he made this statement.

Setting aside the complete-moron part of the explanation (for I don’t have a lot of patience with complete morons), let’s just briefly examine this statement in the larger political context in which this is transpiring. What’s really going on here? Simple, the economy is tanking, and the Dems want to divert attention from the fact that Obama’s stimulus plan and his other ad hoc efforts have been driving the country off an economic cliff. They need a demon to blame, and, while Obama keeps referring to the crisis he inherited as a partial explanation (albeit partially true), that’s beginning to get old. Bush and Cheney are gone, the war in Iraq is off the table, Republicans have no real Party leader to take to task, so let’s go after Rush.

In addition, there is no doubt that the real threat here is the resurrection of the Fairness Doctrine, which the left has been wanting to bring back for some time. This little dust-up with Rush is something in the nature of testing the water, i.e. let’s see how the public reacts if we push and prod Rush a bit. Also, this was done after Greenberg and Carville had done some polling and discovered that Rush was quite unpopular with certain demographic groups. So the usual left-wing suspects — Carville, Begala, Emanuel — assembled and came up with the Get Rush plan. The purpose here is to fundamentally damage Rush; you see the left never wants to defeat you on an open playing field (because they can’t) — they want to destroy you.

This approach is the one recommended by Saul Alinsky in his oft-cited publication, Rules for Radicals, the bible for, among others, “community organizers” (Obama) and assorted other left-wing radicals (e.g. Hillary Clinton) — polarize and demonize. You may remember this approach from the Clinton “war room” days. Well they’re back — along with the same old assortment of Clinton hacks. Their approach is nicely summed up in this statement by Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos and quoted in a recent letter from the Heritage Foundation:

“ —we have an imperative to take advantage of a historic opportunity to break the conservative movement’s backs and crush their spirits. In the White House, that means getting Obama a broad popular and geographic mandate for change. In the House, that means annihilating the Republican caucus and working toward a 100-seat Democratic majority. In the Senate it means getting to a 60-seat filibuster proof majority.”

The Heritage letter goes on to emphasize phrases like “Break the conservative movement’sbacks.” “Crush their spirits.” “Annihilating the Republican caucus.

That is what the left intends to do with an all-out assault against conservative leaders, conservative speech and conservative ideas” (so much for this nonsense of bipartisanship and/or notions of Obama’s being a uniter). And that’s it in a nutshell — the left wants to destroy the conservative movement (although, in this regard they have been getting a lot of help from members of that movement, i.e. the Republican Party had been on a self destructive rampage for some time — hopefully, with the country circling the drain, they can find something more constructive to rally around other than the circular firing squad in which they seem to have been engaged).

And, if you look at the conservative movement as a dangerous snake, then you destroy it by cutting off its head. And while Rush Limbaugh is not an elected “head,” he does speak for almost every conservative in the country — and does so very well. And since the Party is both between leaders and in a state of complete disarray, eliminating, or at least neutralizing, Rush Limbaugh would be an incredibly damaging blow to the Conservative movement in this country and thus the Republican Party.

Which brings me back to the Fairness Doctrine, for I believe that this is what all the fuss is about — a harbinger of things to come (and, in my opinion, a violation of the First Amendment). But actually, as I have previously observed, it is much more than that — it is an admission on the left’s part that they cannot intellectually compete in an open debate, and, therefore, their only recourse is to suppress the other side’s free speech. Moreover, they never seem to want to apply the doctrine to mainstream T.V. stations like ABC, NBC, CBS, or CNN; left-wing radio; left-wing newspapers (almost all of them, e.g. the N.Y. Times, the L.A. Times, the Washington Post, etc., etc.) — only Talk Radio (but, again, not NPR).

When you mention that to your average lefty, he will argue that these various sources are not left-wing at all — they are completely objective and middle of the road. You see, to the average lefty, American politics is a bird with only one wing — the right wing!! And their approach to that wing is to try to cut it off. This tells you a lot about our so called “tolerant” lefties — they can tolerate everything but your having a voice. Why? Because then they might have to respond to it, and it’s quite clear that they cannot!

The effect of this smoke screen? Rush will emerge more popular than ever(with, thanks to Carville et al), and a larger audience than ever (and thus an even better informed America). That will only encourage them to press harder on resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine. And we must not — indeed, we cannot - allow that to happen!!a

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